Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad — Spartanovka
Platform: PC |Engine: Unreal |Release Date: September 13, 2011
Software Used: 3DS Max, Photoshop, DDO, Unreal 3
These are buildings and environment props I created for the Red Orchestra 2: Heroes of Stalingrad level Spartanovka. In these scenes, I made the village houses, the wood fences, and the burnt chimney stacks. These assets were modeled from photo reference and my goal was to make them look as close to it as possible.
I made many different versions of the village houses. For example, the standard village house has a variant with an added wing (show here). I also made versions of this house in various stages of destruction and one taking heavy fire damage. I then took the model and changed some details like the window frames and switched from a metal to a straw roof. For this version I created a material mask for paint, and now we had a painted house we could modify to be any color we wanted. I also made a log cabin house for more variety, modeling it felt like playing with Lincoln Logs.